26/04/2024 12:46:00 PM UTC -07:00

List of Online Players


Shard Statistics

Shard Age: 4,053 days, 7 hours and 59 minutes
Total Game Time: 126,522 hours and 31 minutes
Last Restart: 3/04/2024 11:04:39 AM
Uptime: 23 days, 0 hours and 12 minutes
Active Accounts: 1,195
Active Parties: 0 [0 Players in Parties]
Active Guilds: 24
Player Houses: 281
Player Gold: 34,096,996
BloodStone: 6,415
IronIngot: 4,842,930
CrimsonCincture: 6
Tamingcoins: 1,420
OrnamentOfTheMagician: 22